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大跨越:广投集团发展之路研究:a study on the developmenpthf the Guangxi investment group9787509647103经济管理出版社
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正版促销9787111537199 基础设施投资策略、项目融资与ppp:Infrastructure as an Asset Class: Investment Strategies, Project
资产配置:中国新兴中产投资指南:investment guide for China's emerging mle class杨朝军薛峰 书经济书籍
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正版包邮9787111537199 基础设施投资策略、项目融资与ppp:Infrastructure as an Asset Class: Investment Strategies, Project
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国际直接投资 : 理论与实践=International Direct Investment :Theories and Practices
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China-Africa Direct Investment and Cooperation 9787520330794 中国社会出版社科学出版社出版社
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静水流深:高水平对外投资的实践逻辑:investment of Chinese enterprises 谢琳灿 经济书籍
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全新正版 定位投资:商战本质中的价值投资逻辑:competitive advantage and value investment 机械工业出版社 9787111748854
定位投资:商战本质中的价值投资逻辑:competitive advantage and value investment 赵晓明 经济书籍
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定位投资:商战本质中的价值投资逻辑:competitive advantage and value investment书赵晓明 经济书籍
中国海外投资国家风险评级报告(2021):Report of Country-Risk Rating of Overseas Investment from China (2021)
逃不开的经济周期:history, theory and investment reality拉斯·特维德 经济周期论经济书籍